Friday 7 December 2012

Reading Test Item 2

Question 2(i) : The level used in Bloom’s Taxonomy is the comprehension level in which students need to organise the idea of the whole story into a category (Theme). 

Question 2(ii) : Application level in Bloom’s Taxonomy is used. Students need to read the passage in order to know what the information is trying to convey. The information that they get, will determine them to choose a correct answer or response based on the choices given. 

 Question 2(iii) : The level used in Bloom’s Taxonomy is the knowledge level. Students need to identify the meaning of ‘chattered’ based on their vocabulary knowledge. However, students can also identify the meaning of the word based on the clues given on the text. This can be categorised into comprehension level in Bloom’s Taxonomy as well. 

 Question 2(iv) : This question can be categorised into analysis level in which students are required to make explanation of why the chipmunks have stripes on their back and reach conclusion by explain in by using their own words. 

 Question 2 (v) : This question involves some creativity in answering it as students can provide creative answers without correct or wrong on this question. This question is in synthesis level in Bloom’s Taxonomy.

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